Hello again! As promised I am going to reveal my skin care routine. These products work for me and I encourage you to give them a try! The prices on the products do vary but they are beyond worth it! I Make up is great but what good is it if we don't take care of the canvas (our face). Take care of your face! One day you'll truly be happy you did.
Rules I run by..
Never sleep with your make up on
Always use a cleanser
Moisturize face once in the morning & once at night
Drink Lots of water! (cleanses body and minimizes impurities)
For my every day routine, I use Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash. First of all I must say that I love Origins and all of their products! Just the thought of natural products that really work makes me happy!
Use this product in the morning and at night!
After cleansing, I always use a moisturizer. My all time favorite moisturizer lately has been
Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins Mega-Bright with SPF 30. All it took was one use and I fell in love. Moisturizers should have SPF! This protects your skin from the harsh sun!
This next product I just stated to use because my mother gave me a little lesson on how to age gracefully. My mother has beautiful eyes and she started to use eye creme at the age of 20 to minimize wrinkles as she grew older. I purchased this Elizabeth Arden Eye Cream at T.j. Maxx for a reasonable price and I love the moisture it provides for my eyes!
The last thing I moisturize is my lips. Some people just put cream on their lips, but I love this Rosebud Salve Lip Balm! My lips always feel extremely soft.
To remove make up I use make up remover wipes because its fast and easy! Any brand is typically good when it comes to this stuff.
Lastly, 1-2 times a week I use the Modern Friction Exfoliator followed by the Clear Improvement Charcoal Mask. This is probably my favorite step of the week simply because the exfoliator and mask leave my pores incredibly smooth and clear! You must try it!!! :)
I Hope you enjoyed my little skin care routine! If you have any questions feel free to email Scarletlipsblog@gmail.com or leave me a comment below!
P.S. Heres a helpful tip.. If you wanna know the ideal amount of water you should drink take your body weight divide that by two and drink whatever number you got in ounces! Buying a huge water bottle will help you keep track!

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